Friday, 25 January 2013



Door flung open, pleasantries ran across the room, bodies hunted for one another as ‘comedian’, public speaker and writer, S.E.Gun the Ondo State Comedy Ambassador, stormed the cre8tive lounge. The Extra-large bodied clown let us into his natural habitat and sphere of influence as he both made us laugh and intimated us of his achievements and dreams. S.E.Gun has a unique way of playing and bringing out fun from words, he calls it ‘punfun’;The closest he brings to mind is Dele Omotunde of TELL magazine's syndicated column-OPILOGUE(now rested).

Dotun Adesua of D'Ambasador Services(PR/Media/Entertaiment arm) engages S.e.gun the  Ondo State Comedy Ambassador:

S.E.GUN WITH TmanEmcee(Tolu Borokini)

Enjoyable read!

Dotun- Do describe S.e.gun?

S.e.gun(pron:S.E.gun)is not a gun totting hoodie(laughter) I was born, Babatunde Oluwasegunfunmi Tolutope to Mr. and Mrs. BOT Omojola…(laughs) of course, who else for born me, but I’m simply called Segun Omojola. I describe myself, as obvious, fun to be with, passionately spontaneous, multi-gifted and blessed.

otun- Wow! Little wonder,you are into comedy or comedy is in(to) you.(smiles)

.e.gun- I wish I could say I was born into it, but, as far back as memory serves me, I didn’t want any dull moments, I didn’t like to see moody faces and all, so I went out of my way to try to liven up anywhere I found myself. Though in the early days, I was more of a nuisance than fun to be with, that was what I felt anyways, but I later realized that people loved my so called 'nuisance' because when I find myself feeling blue and quiet, people go, Segun what’s up?(Straight face and worried look) I quickly snap out of it and switch on the fun.

Dotun- Your stage-name S.E.gun still amazes me; conjoined with it is  'the Ondo State Comedy Ambassador (OSCA)'. Is it an award, title or brand?

S.e.gun- (laughs)The story long but let me 'shortcut' it. I looked at my name,Segun, and discovered that my nickname was embedded in it, that is S.e.gun (combination of alphabets S and E and the word ‘gun’-S.E.Gun) .While Ondo State Comedy Ambassador was born mid-2012. For instance, Alibaba is the Grand Comedian of the Federal Republic (GCFR), Jedi is the Well Fed Comedian, and my friend Ayodele Okundalaiye is known as the Senior Advocate of Comedy (SACO) so I thought to myself, in line with my passion for promoting Ondo State, why don’t I link myself with Ondo State ?  So I did some consultations, not Ifa(voodoo) things ooo-(laughs) and came up with Ondo State Comedy Ambassador, although I don’t address myself as a Comedian.

otun- (Sigh)Really?

S.e.gun- Yea! My ability to communicate effectively and be witty at the same time brought about a-one word  creative contraption-Comedycate, So,I call myself the Comedycator, you get the gist ba? (Laughs).

otun- Sure. (serious look) What motivates you?

S.e.gun-hmm, fun, the sound of rich gushing laughter, joy, happiness as in when I’m able to cause people to express all of these that I have mentioned and more, I love to see people happy. I made a decision way back when I was much younger that, even if all the time I had to spend with someone is just a second, that person will never forget me and interestingly, I find that to be the case whether I’m conscious of it or not.

Dotun- Akure,Ondo state, is your where you are based. Can you assess the growth of comedy industry there?

S.e.gun- Nice question. The comedy industry in Ondo state can best be described as emerging, growing, developing. Let me stop there before I finish the thesaurus-(laughs). My passion for the State led me to partner with other like-minded comedy acts from the state and beyond. Now we have comedy shows. Holy Laff came up in Ondo town on the 23rd of September 2012. It was put together by House of Talk Media led by the ArkBishop. Then I organized mine on the 2nd of December 2012. The show was tagged, Comedy Blast with OSCA and Friends. The turnout was incredible; it was actually a sold out show.

otun- Comedy B-l-a-s-t!(stressed) My ears are really itching...

.e.gun-(laughs) it was a blast but not that a bomb went off ooo! My outfit, S.e.gun Concepts pushed it, Ondo State Agency for the Control of AIDS(ODSACA) supported it and Xclusive 2 Divinity(X2D) a foremost Gospel entertainment TV (with headquarters in Lagos)were our major media partner. Also, I had the backing of the SEE ONDO CREW. SEE ONDO is an acronym for Service, Exchange and Enterprise Ondo a network of brands in the state with the aim of putting Ondo state on the world map through the provision of excellent service.

Dotun-  Can I have a peep into other creative projects in the pipeline?

S.e.gun- Sure. I have passion for writing. I have compiled a collection of jokes(yet to be published) Also, there is a unique first of its kind Beauty Pageant in the offing…This year(2013) holds so much more for us.

otun- Before I say thank you for the audience…

S.e.gun- Make I say my own first(laugh). I  want to say a big thank you to the fan in my bedroom for keeping me cool during the heat period… laughs. I call that punfun. Anyways, to my fans out there and all that will read this, I say ngyabonga which is the way the Zulus say thank you for your immense support. I also want to encourage you to continue to support your own, promote your own and enjoy your own, me!!!

Dotun- Thank you for making me ‘laugh out my lungs’(lol)


 Hook up with S.e.gun- just Google Segun Omojola or follow him on twitter @SegunOmojola or
Ring -234(0)8038194265 or Ping at him-228C3BF7